Literary Entries.
Khumman Raso is an epic poem from the 9th century, attributed to the poet Dalpat Vijay. It details the battles…
Malik Muhammad Jayasi was a sufi poet. The Islamic mysticism is called 'Sufism' and mystics 'Sufis'. Their philosophy is called…
Malik Muhammad Jayasi was a prominent Indian Sufi poet and pir, known for his contribution to Hindi literature during the…
Kabir Das is the foreseer poet of middle age Hindi Literature. He is not only a poet but a social…
Vidyapati is newly incarnated ‘Jayadev’ that echoed the culture, art and philosophy of Mithila. In addition to his name ‘Naval…
Prithviraj Raso is a glory-singing epic, consisting the description of the bravery, love, marriage and several wars of Maharaj Prithviraj.…
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