Hindi Translation of ‘Virtue’, a poem by George Herbert

Poem is a powerful reminder of the importance of nurturing virtue within ourselves.

Himanshu Pandey
By Himanshu Pandey - Teacher & Blogger
  • A beautiful poem that reflects on the transient beauty of the natural world.
  • IT contrasts with the enduring nature of a virtuous soul.
  • The poem is structured with a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme.
  • Known for its musical quality
  • It's structured form is typical of the Jacobean era.

Original Text of ‘Virtue’: George Herbert

SWEET day, so cool, so calm, so bright!
The bridal of the earth and sky-
The dew shall weep thy fall to-night;
For thou must die.

Sweet rose, whose hue angry and brave
Bids the rash gazer wipe his eye,
Thy root is ever in its grave,
And thou must die.

Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses,
A box where sweets compacted lie,
My music shows ye have your closes,
And all must die.

Only a sweet and virtuous soul,
Like season’d timber, never gives;
But though the whole world turn to coal,
Then chiefly lives.

Hindi Translation: Prem Narayan Pankil

अहह वह दिवस शीतल शान्त द्युतिमय
यथा हो अवनि-अम्बर बीच परिणय
अभीं तिमिरांक रजनी पग धरेगी
रुदन में ओस की बूँदे झरेंगी
नहीं निज हर्ष से भू-नभ भरोगे-
मरोगे, क्योंकि तुम निश्चय मरोगे।

अहा मधुकोषमय यह सुमन पाटल
खिला रंगीन चटक प्रफुल्ल प्रति-दल
निहारे जो अचंचल दृग बिछाये
चटक इस रंग से दृग चौंधियाये
धँसी शव-भूमि में जड़ क्या करोगे-
मरोगे, क्योंकि तुम निश्चय मरोगे।

मधुर ऋतुपति मधुर दिन मधुर पाटल
भरा मधुकोष मंजूषांक अविकल
तुम्हारा अंत भी न गया कहीं  है
हमारे गीत सम आसन्न ही है
बताता स्वर यही रो-रो भरोगे-
मरोगे, क्योंकि तुम निश्चय मरोगे।

वही बस एक आत्मा सद्गुणाश्रित
रहेगी गुण विभूषित सतत जीवित
प्रकृति दुख ज्यों पकी शहतीर झेले 
नहीं पर वह मरण का खेल खेले 
भले हो भस्म पंकिल विश्व सारा
गुणी पर आत्मा से मरण हारा।


There is a student’s note on George Herbert’s poem ‘The Collar’.

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By Himanshu Pandey Teacher & Blogger
A blogger since 2008. A teacher since 2010, A father since 2010. Reading, Writing poetry, Listening Music completes me. Internet makes me ready. Trying to learn graphics, animation and video making to serve my needs.