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Hindi Translation of Why Literature by Mario Vargas Llosa

Peru (पेरू) के प्रख्यात लेखक मारिओ वर्गास लोसा (Mario Vargas Llosa) एक महत्वपूर्ण लैटिन अमेरिकी साहित्यकार हैं। इन्हें वर्ष 2010…

शैलबाला शतक: नयनों के नीर से लिखी पाती

शैलबाला शतक देवी भगवती पराम्बा की स्तुति का अप्रतिम काव्य है। भोजपुरी भाषा की अद्भुत…

The Collar: George Herbert

The collar is a much typical and well known poem from 'The Temple' by George…

Hindi Poetic Translation of Stray Birds

रवीन्द्र नाथ टैगोर (R.N. Tagore) की सूक्ति कविताओं की पुस्तक स्ट्रे-बर्ड्स (Stray Birds) का हिन्दी…

Why ?

क्यों ? खो गए हो विकल्प में, चर्चित स्वल्प में विस्मृत सुमधुर अतीत क्यों लेकर…

My Mistress’ Eyes are Nothing Like the Sun- Shakespeare

William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130, also known as “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun,” is a poem that challenges the conventional idealization of beauty in love poetry of the…

Related Web Portals

Please visit these blogs and portals related to Ramyantar Web. They all are updated and maintained by Ramyantar Admin.

सच्चा शरणम्

A Hindi blog that covers a variety of topics including literature, language, culture, and personal experience.

पंकिल: अखिलं मधुरम्

A blog to publish original literary, spiritual and philosophical works of Prem Narayan Pankil.


Prakarantar is a wordpress.com blog to collect academic notes and short articles written in college days.

Podcasts and Videos

Audio recording of poems, articles and plays. Videos posted originally on YouTube.


Old Manuscripts scanned and uploaded for future references.